Biogene rHGH 12 IU Bio-Peptide Ltd.




Biogene rHGH 12IU ***NEW Package


Biogene (recombinant human growth hormone – rHGH) is a human growth hormone, identical to the dominant form of this hormone produced in the pituitary gland (molecular weight 22,125 u).
Biogene (rHGH) is a sterile, white, freeze-dried powder intended for subcutaneous or intramuscular injection after dissolution in sterile water.

Mechanism of action

Somatropin (as well as endogenous HGH) binds to the dimeric GH receptor in the plasma membrane of target cells, resulting in intracellular signal transduction and multiple pharmacodynamic effects. Some of these effects are mainly mediated by IGF-I produced in the liver (e.g. skeletal growth, protein synthesis), while others are primarily a consequence of the direct action of somatropin (e.g. lipolysis).

Observed effects in patients using the agent:

• tissue growth
• bone growth
• organ cell growth
• metabolism increase
• better carbohydrate metabolism
• better lipid metabolism •
better mineral metabolism
• better connective tissue metabolism

Side effects

The list presents the most serious and/or most frequently observed side effects during somatropin treatment:

• sudden death in children with Prader-Willi syndrome, with risk factors including severe obesity, upper airway obstruction or sleep apnea, and unidentified respiratory infection • intracranial
tumors, particularly meningiomas, in adolescents/adolescents treated with head irradiation
• glucose intolerance , including impaired glucose tolerance/impaired fasting glucose as well as overt diabetes
• intracranial hypertension
• significant diabetic retinopathy •
exfoliated femoral epiphysis in pediatric patients
• progression of pre-existing scoliosis in pediatric patients
• fluid retention manifesting as swelling, arthralgia, myalgia , nerve compression syndromes
• exposure of hidden central hypothyroidism
• injection site reactions/rash and lipoatrophy (as well as rare hypersensitivity reactions)
• pancreatitis

Administration instructions

Administer the injection into the subcutaneous layer, which includes adipose tissue (fat) – as in the picture:

If you use insulin syringes that have short needles, you will need to enter the skin at a 90-degree angle to the skin .


Recommended dose of Biogene (rHGH):
• 2-4 mass units, once daily


• the product can be used for up to three years from the date of production
• after preparation, it can be stored for a maximum of 14 days in the refrigerator
• keep the vials in the correct position
• store in the refrigerator, in the packaging and protected from light
• can be stored at room temperature for a maximum of one month peace


What is rHGH?

HGH is the so-called growth hormone, which is also called somatotropin. It is considered a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, the secretion of which is controlled by neurohormones of the hypothalamus. Its secretion is greatest during puberty. Later in life, its production decreases significantly. The hormone itself was first isolated for therapeutic purposes. Its administration was supposed to contribute to the treatment of hypopituitarism. This hormone has also been shown to be extremely effective when it comes to dwarfism. Today, virtually all available HGH are forms obtained synthetically, through genetic engineering. HGH has gained great popularity, especially among people who are active athletes or want to build muscle mass in a short period of time. Somatotropin stimulates the growth of most body tissues, mainly by increasing the number of cells, not their size. These effects are the result of the action of IGF-1, a highly anabolic hormone produced in the liver and other tissues in response to somatotropin. GH itself stimulates the hydrolysis of triglycerides in adipose tissue, resulting in visible fat loss during therapy.

What are the effects of rHGH administration?

Administration of growth hormone is associated with many positive aspects. First of all, the growth process of connective tissues, cartilage and tendons intensifies. Thanks to this, we largely reduce the risk of injury as a result of strength training, while increasing its efficiency. Growth hormone improves the physical performance of individuals by stimulating collagen synthesis in skeletal muscles and tendons, increasing muscle strength and thus improving exercise performance. Since the hormone itself is produced by the pituitary gland as an element of bone growth during puberty, its administration again stimulates bone-forming and bone-resorbing cells, which leads to an increase in bone mass. Additionally, the hormone reduces fat mass. Interestingly, the cognitive function and mood of a person undergoing HGH therapy also increases. All research suggests that growth hormone administration may be a possible therapeutic option to improve cognitive function and mood in adults with growth hormone deficiency. Ultimately, the hormone improves the appearance of our skin. A decrease in the production of growth hormone results in dry skin, thinning hair, greater body fat and the dynamic development of wrinkles. Adequate levels of HGH help improve the appropriate ratio of body fat and elasticity in the skin. Intramuscular HGH injections can help normalize sleep patterns, improve skin elasticity, aid in the loss of excess body fat, and improve the immune system. Ultimately, the hormone improves the appearance of our skin. A decrease in the production of growth hormone results in dry skin, thinning hair, greater body fat and the dynamic development of wrinkles. Adequate levels of HGH help improve the appropriate ratio of body fat and elasticity in the skin. Intramuscular HGH injections can help normalize sleep patterns, improve skin elasticity, aid in the loss of excess body fat, and improve the immune system. Ultimately, the hormone improves the appearance of our skin. A decrease in the production of growth hormone results in dry skin, thinning hair, greater body fat and the dynamic development of wrinkles. Adequate levels of HGH help improve the appropriate ratio of body fat and elasticity in the skin. Intramuscular HGH injections can help normalize sleep patterns, improve skin elasticity, aid in the loss of excess body fat, and improve the immune system.

How to use rHGH?

To properly benefit from the benefits offered by growth hormone, you need to administer the therapy appropriately and select the right doses for your weight and height. The dose cannot be reduced because then the cycle itself becomes ineffective. For the average man, approximately four to six doses are needed per day. Daily dosing is necessary because the period of action of HGH in the body is very short. The peak concentration is reached just two hours after injection, after which the hormone is gradually removed from the body. This means that it is extremely difficult to maintain the appropriate level of somatotropin in the blood. The results of this therapy are visible after a few months. If we use the hormone for a shorter period, we can only expect results in the form of fat loss. However, also in this case, we should use the hormone for at least four months. The application of HGH itself can be done in two ways: intramuscularly and subcutaneously. Subcutaneous injections are performed locally, in places where we want to get rid of excess fat tissue. We must also remember that during somatotropin treatment, the body needs larger amounts of thyroid hormones and insulin. Adding agents containing thyroid hormones will significantly increase the thermogenic effect of the cycle.

Does taking rHGH carry any risks?

Taking the hormone itself, if done as directed, is safe. However, for some people, a side effect may occur in the form of a disease related to excessive secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland in adults whose growth process has ended. It manifests itself with enlargement of the jaw, nose, ears, hands and feet. In some cases, the heart and kidneys may also be enlarged. The use of HGH is associated with the risk of hypoglycemia and diabetes. In most cases, these complications are related to improper use of the agent. If it is applied periodically, in reasonable doses, it is quite safe. However, if any undesirable phenomena and disturbing side effects occur after applying HG, you should immediately stop taking this medicine. Particular attention should be paid to negative changes in the structure of bones and skin or to the appearance of terrible well-being. If you feel your health is at risk, consult your doctor immediately.

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