MT-2 (Melanotan II) Bio-Peptide





MT-2 (Melanotan II) 10mg/vial

What is Melanotan-2?

MT-2 is an injectable peptide hormone used to promote tanning. The hormone itself works by stimulating alpha-melanocyte receptors, which significantly increases melanin production when our skin is exposed to the sun. Applying a larger amount of MT-2 causes our body to tan as if we were a darker skin type. Melanin itself is actually the body’s response to UV damage. Darkening the skin is intended to protect it from further damage. MT-2 is designed to cause skin reactions, even with minimal exposure to sunlight. This is a perfect solution, especially for those people who, due to their very fair skin, are unable to safely expose it to sunlight.

What other effects does Melanotan-2 have?

By using MT2, we lead to faster healing of damaged skin cells than was previously possible. Therefore, as we mentioned, this remedy is suitable for people who have very fair skin and sunbathing is associated with an increased risk of cancer. Application of MT-2 still requires exposure to sunlight to be effective, but requires significantly less time to tan than without the peptide. Users can take small doses and continue until the desired pigmentation is achieved. Even if the dose is retained in its entirety, the tan can last for months without exposure to the sun. In addition, MT-2 also causes erections. It has also been proven that the use of this agent suppresses appetite and darkens hair. You may also experience an increased number of moles or discoloration. These side effects

How to use Melanotan-2

If you achieve an erection, apply MT-2 approximately four to six hours before planned sexual intercourse. The duration of action is approximately six hours, and in individual cases up to twelve hours after the first effect appears. The required dose is about one milligram of the drug, but even half a milligram for some people will be effective. MT-2 itself is supplied as a powder and must be mixed with bacteriostatic water. It is best to store the product in the freezer due to their slow degradation at room temperature. To obtain a concentration of 10mg/8ml, use 8ml of bacteriostatic water in your 10mg powder vial. Depending on the person, the standard dose will be between ten and forty milligrams. We must remember that people which are more resistant to sunlight require a higher dose. Depending on the total amount needed and the daily dosage appropriate for the individual, MT-2 injections should begin six days before the need for a tan occurs. MT-2 can also be used cyclically to maintain better tanning ability.

What should be the correct dose of Melanotan-2?

The starting dose should be approximately 0.25 milligrams. If there are no side effects, such as nausea, we can increase the dose to one or even one and a half milligrams a day. Eventually we can reach a maximum dose of three milligrams per day. This dose is appropriate for most people. However, some people use as much as five milligrams a day. This is the dose that allows you to achieve a very deep tan. The dose itself is injected into the subcutaneous layer. Once a vial of MT-2 has been dissolved, it should be used within thirty days.

What are the effects of using Melanotan-2 and are there any limitations to its use?

The effects of using MT-2 are quite long-lasting. Sometimes they last a year or longer, depending on the peptide cycle’s effectiveness, length and dosage. Applying maintenance cycles can maintain the impact indefinitely. To achieve a permanent effect, use MT-2 two to three times a year. In some cases, side effects from the use of MT-2 may occur. This mainly concerns appetite disorders. For this reason, this agent is used, especially by women, as a slimming product. Feelings of nausea, dizziness and fatigue are also possible. However, the symptoms usually disappear very quickly. However, if they persist for a long time, you should immediately stop taking MT-2 and contact an appropriate doctor. You should also not independently without consultation, increase doses dramatically and use MT-2 constantly. We should also remember that although the use of MT-2 is safe, we are only guaranteed to buy the product from a proven and legal source. You should definitely avoid buying MT-2 from suspicious people or in unverified stores, where there is a possibility that you will be sold a counterfeit product. In this case, the manufacturer cannot take responsibility for the use of a product whose composition is unknown. In particular, you should avoid purchasing products that have been previously unpacked and used from third parties. You should definitely avoid buying MT-2 from suspicious people or in unverified stores, where there is a possibility that you will be sold a counterfeit product. In this case, the manufacturer cannot take responsibility for the use of a product whose composition is unknown. In particular, you should avoid purchasing products that have been previously unpacked and used from third parties. You should definitely avoid buying MT-2 from suspicious people or in unverified stores, where there is a possibility that you will be sold a counterfeit product. In this case, the manufacturer cannot take responsibility for the use of a product whose composition is unknown. In particular, you should avoid purchasing products that have been previously unpacked and used from third parties.

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